Today's Google Doodle is Balls

A Google Doodle is a special variation of the Google logo that appears on their homepage.They actually have a whole team of people who do nothing but this (no really).Sometimes they do really cool stuff like games and other effects. Basically anything they can do in HTML5 to give the collective FU to Flash. I'm not sure exactly what today's is, but check it out below or over on

When you visit the Google homepage, you're often greeted with a vibrant and creatively designed logo that celebrates a particular event, person, or milestone. These unique and eye-catching variations of the Google logo are known as Google Doodles. What began as a simple way to convey a message has evolved into a beloved and iconic tradition. In this article, we will embark on a journey through the history of Google Doodle, tracing its origins, notable milestones, and the impact it has had on both art and technology.

The Humble Beginnings:

The very first Google Doodle made its appearance in 1998 when Google's co-founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, decided to place a stick figure doodle behind the company logo to let users know they were attending the Burning Man festival in Nevada. This small act of artistic expression set the foundation for what would become a worldwide phenomenon.

Evolving Creativity:

As time went on, the Google Doodle team grew and began to experiment with more elaborate and interactive designs. From celebrating holidays and anniversaries to paying homage to renowned artists, scientists, and cultural icons, Google Doodles became a canvas for creativity, storytelling, and education. The Doodles not only captured the essence of the events they represented but also engaged users in an interactive and playful manner.

Global Impact:

What started as a playful experiment soon turned into a global tradition. Google Doodles became an integral part of the Google experience, captivating audiences worldwide with their unique designs and messages. People eagerly awaited each new Doodle, often leading to exploration and discovery of historical events, lesser-known figures, and diverse cultures.

Inspiring Creativity:

The impact of Google Doodles extended beyond their artistic value. They became a source of inspiration for aspiring artists, designers, and storytellers. The Doodles showcased different art styles, techniques, and mediums, encouraging creativity and promoting inclusivity. Additionally, Google introduced initiatives like the "Doodle 4 Google" contest, inviting students to submit their own Doodles and giving them an opportunity to be featured on the Google homepage.

Technological Advancements:

As technology advanced, so did the capabilities of Google Doodles. From simple animations to interactive games and virtual reality experiences, the Doodles embraced new technologies to provide users with immersive and engaging encounters. Notable examples include the first interactive Doodle in 2000, which allowed users to control falling colored balls, and the 2018 Doodle celebrating the 50th anniversary of the coding language Logo, where users could program a rabbit's movements.


The history of Google Doodle is a testament to the power of creativity, innovation, and the ability to bring joy and knowledge to millions of people worldwide. What started as a small, playful gesture has grown into a global cultural phenomenon. Google Doodles continue to captivate and inspire, reminding us of the significance of art, history, and the beauty of shared experiences. So, the next time you see a Google Doodle, take a moment to appreciate the colorful journey it represents and the impact it has had on our digital landscape.

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Today's Google Doodle is Balls